Summary of updates to ISTR Constitution confirmed in May 2024
At the AGM on 9 May 2024, the ISTR Executive Committee unanimously approved the following minor amendments to the Constitution.
The updates are summarised below:
Article 2: Objectives
- Language in 2.1: “To facilitate research Irish theatre in its national and international contexts…” amended to “To facilitate research on drama, theatre and performance in its national and international contexts…”.
- Added item 2.4: “To monitor and review the stability and health of the Irish theatre sector, and where appropriate, support sectoral activity through research-led consultation and engagement.”
Article 3: Membership
- Language in 3.2 amended to remove the mention of the ISTR Journal.
- Language in 3.3 (a) amended to correct erroneous spelling of “breach.”
Article 4: Meetings
Language in 4.1 amended to include the use of digital meeting spaces.
Article 7: Executive Committee
- Language in 7.1 amended: “The Executive Committee shall normally consist of the President, the Vice-President, the Secretary, the Treasurer, and minimum of eight elected members, four of whom
shall bewill ideally be elected every two years for four year terms by a majority of those members in good standing voting by ballot.”
- Language in 7.3 amended: “Those elected to the Executive Committee
may notshould ideally not serve more than two consecutive terms.”
Article 8: Election Committee
- Size of Election Committee outlined in 8.1 amended from 5 members in good standing to a minimum of 3.
- Amended election procedures as outlined in 8.2: “The Election Committee shall make nominations for officers and members of the Executive Committee as vacancies occur. The list of nominees shall be placed before the membership in an announcement in the ISTR Newsletter or by some other official communication no later than six months preceding the annual meeting. Additional names may be added to the list of nominees by a petition signed by no fewer than six members and submitted to the Secretary, along with written consent from the nominee, no later than four months before the annual meeting. The Secretary will then distribute, collect, and tabulate the mail ballots no later than six months before the annual meeting. Candidates may run for more than one office but may only hold one office.” 8.2 now states: “The Election Committee shall make nominations for officers and members of the Executive Committee as vacancies occur. The list of nominees shall be placed before the membership in an announcement in the ISTR Newsletter or by some other official communication ideally within 3 months of the election. Candidates may run for more than one office but may only hold one office.”
Article 9: Sub Committees
This article has been removed from the constitution. It stated “The Executive Committee shall appoint other committees as shall from time to time be deemed appropriate. The purpose of sub-committees is to:
- ensure consistent communication between members and activity on pivotal issues in periods between meetings
- to allow members to utilize their individual expertise and experience in specific areas to the benefit of the Society’s remit
- to allow members to rotate attendance at meetings.”
Article 9: Fees (formerly Article 10)
The language in 9.1 has been amended from “The amount of annual fees shall be set by the Executive Committee.” to “The amount of annual fees shall be set by the Executive Committee in accordance with cost of living concerns and inflation, subject to review annually.”
Article 10: Amendments (formerly Article 11)
- Amended the procedure for proposing amendments to the Constitution as outlined in 10.1: “Proposals to amend the Constitution may be made by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Committee or by petition from the membership at large subscribed to by no fewer than fifty percent of individual members in good standing. Proposals from the membership at large must be submitted through the Secretary to the Executive Committee for review.” 10.1 now states: “Proposals to amend the Constitution will seek approval by a two-thirds majority of the Executive Committee, providing sufficient time for review and debate has been allocated. Proposals from the membership at large must be submitted through the Secretary to the Executive Committee for review.”
- Added item 10.2: “Proposals to release position statements or advocacy statements on behalf of ISTR will seek approval for a two-thirds majority of the Executive Committee, providing sufficient time for review and debate has been allocated. In urgent or extraordinary circumstances, a 51% consensus may be acceptable. Voting procedures can be subject to annual review at the request of any Executive Committee member.”
- Amended the procedure for discussing and voting on proposed amendments to the Constitution as outlined in 10.4 (formerly 10.3): “Proposals to amend the Constitution should be discussed and may be amended at the annual meeting. The Constitution shall then be ratified by a vote of two-thirds of the individual membership in good standing who vote in a mail ballot.” 10.4 now states: “Proposals to amend the Constitution should be discussed and may be amended at the annual meeting.”
The updated Constitution can be read in full by following this link.