ISTR Constitution
May 2024
Irish Society for Theatre Research | Cumann Taighde Amharclannaíochta na hÉireann
Ratified by members present at the Inaugural General Meeting, Queen’s University Belfast, Saturday 14 April 2007. The most recent amendments to the Constitution were approved unanimously at the ISTR AGM on 9 May 2024.
Amending Acts
First Amendment of the Constitution, 20 July 2007 [Enacted by the Executive Committee to incorporate Article 12 adopting Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised as the Parliamentary Authority of the Society.]
Article 1. Name
- The name of the Society is the Irish Society for Theatre Research, hereafter referred to as ISTR.
- For the purposes of this Constitution the words ‘Theatre Research’ indicate research into drama and performing arts in a broadest possible sense, respective of the range of practice and scholarly activity in contemporary spheres of engagement.
Article 2. Objectives
- To facilitate research on drama, theatre and performance in its national and international contexts in terms of an engagement with the full spectrum of Irish theatre from page to stage, pursuant to the characterisation of drama and performing arts, above.
- To facilitate interdisciplinary research between theatre studies in Ireland and the wider community of theatre and performance studies in its international contexts.
- To organize meetings, conferences and symposia; to encourage the formulation and cultivation of new and other modes of communal engagement for the advancement and excavation of relevant practices.
- To monitor and review the stability and health of the Irish theatre sector, and where appropriate, support sectoral activity through research-led consultation and engagement.
Article 3. Membership
- Individual membership of ISTR shall be open to any person who undertakes to promote the work and support the objectives of ISTR and who accepts these articles.
- Student membership at a reduced rate shall be open to any person who, on production of evidence of student or postgraduate status, undertakes to support the objectives of ISTR. Student members shall be entitled to all the privileges of individual membership.
- Membership in any category shall cease:
- when member/s resign;
- when member/s are expelled as a result of a vote of the Executive Committee or on the basis of a breach of the society’s ethics standards, stated in Article 11;
- when after notification by the Secretary, the payment member’s annual subscription falls one year and one month in arrears.
- Membership is for one calendar year from the date of payment of membership.
Article 4. Meetings
- Annual and special meetings of ISTR shall be held at such time and place, including digital spaces, as shall be determined by the Executive Committee. Proper announcement shall be made in writing to each member.
Article 5. Officers
- The Officers of ISTR shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer.
- The Officers shall be elected and serve their terms as follows:
- The President shall be elected for a four-year term according to the conditions set forth in Article 8.2. The President shall not be eligible for election for two consecutive terms.
- The election of the President shall take place by a ballot (email and/or postal) of all members in good standing at least three months before the annual business meeting; the President shall take office at the conclusion of that meeting.
- The Vice-President shall be nominated and elected according to the procedures established for the President. The term of office of the Vice-President shall coincide with that of the President. The Vice-President shall not be eligible for election for two consecutive terms.
- The Secretary and Treasurer shall be nominated by the Election Committee, shall be elected by email ballot of the membership at large for a term of four years, and may be re-elected to offer continuity of process to the organisation.
Article 6. Duties of Officers
- The President shall be the chief executive and administrative officer and shall preside over all meetings of the membership and of the Executive Committee, and shall be a voting member of the committee. In the event of absence, incapacity, or resignation, the Vice-President shall assume these duties.
- The Vice-President shall be a voting member of the Executive Committee, and shall be responsible for, oversee, and coordinate planning for the Annual Meeting. The Vice-President shall assume the duties and responsibilities of the President if necessary, according to the conditions of Article 6.1. In such a case, the Executive Committee shall have the option of appointing an Executive Committee member for the unexpired term.
- The Secretary shall record the minutes of all meetings of ISTR and the Executive Committee; see that members have reasonable notice of regular and special meetings of ISTR and the Executive Committee; conduct the correspondence; keep all records; perform such other duties as may from time to time be designated by the Executive Committee.
- The Treasurer shall keep accurate account of the financial transactions of ISTR. The Treasurer shall make necessary payments from ISTR funds. Annually and whenever required by the Executive Committee, the Treasurer shall make report on the finances of ISTR to the membership. The Treasurer shall perform such other duties as may from time to time be designated by the Executive Committee.
Article 7. Executive Committee
- The Executive Committee shall normally consist of the President, the Vice-President, the Secretary, the Treasurer, and a minimum of eight elected members, four of whom will ideally be elected every two years for four year terms by a majority of those members in good standing voting by ballot. If a current member of the Executive Committee is elected President or Vice-President, or if an unexpected vacancy occurs in the Executive Committee, the Committee shall have the option of appointing a replacement for the unexpired term. The function of the Executive Committee shall be to direct the activities of ISTR. The chair of the Executive Committee shall be the President, elected as described in Article 2.1. New members of the Executive Committee shall take office immediately after the conclusion of the annual business meeting of the Society.
- Ex officio members of the Executive Committee shall be without vote unless simultaneously serving an elected term on the committee. Other ex officio members, with voice but without vote, may be appointed by the Executive Committee.
- Those elected to the Executive Committee should ideally not serve more than two consecutive terms.
- The Executive Committee shall meet at least once each financial year.
- Members intending to advance themselves for the Executive Committee should be prepared to engage actively in sub-committees and attend meetings.
Article 8. Election Committee
- The Election Committee shall consist of a minimum of 3 members in good standing, exclusive of institutional members of ISTR, appointed by the Executive Committee for staggered terms of two years. The Chair of the Election Committee shall be named by the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee, in making appointments, shall give consideration to the inclusion of representatives from various geographical areas and various scholarly and professional specialties represented by the membership at large.
- The Election Committee shall make nominations for officers and members of the Executive Committee as vacancies occur. The list of nominees shall be placed before the membership in an announcement in the ISTR Newsletter or by some other official communication ideally within 3 months of the election. Candidates may run for more than one office but may only hold one office.
Article 9. Fees
- The amount of annual fees shall be set by the Executive Committee in accordance with cost of living concerns and inflation, subject to review annually.
- Fees shall be used to pay the expenses of ISTR and for other purposes deemed appropriate by the officers and Executive Committee.
Article 10. Amendments
- Proposals to amend the Constitution will seek approval by a two-thirds majority of the Executive Committee, providing sufficient time for review and debate has been allocated. Proposals from the membership at large must be submitted through the Secretary to the Executive Committee for review.
- Proposals to release position statements or advocacy statements on behalf of ISTR will seek approval for a two-thirds majority of the Executive Committee, providing sufficient time for review and debate has been allocated. In urgent or extraordinary circumstances, a 51% consensus may be acceptable. Voting procedures can be subject to annual review at the request of any Executive Committee member.
- The Secretary must circulate all proposals to the membership at large at least one month before the annual meeting. The Executive Committee’s discussion or recommendations shall accompany the text of the proposed statement.
- Proposals to amend the Constitution should be discussed and may be amended at the annual meeting.
Article 11. Ethics
- Any kind of discrimination based on disability, political, religious, ethnic, gender, sexual orientation or other injustice is intolerable and runs contrary to the ethos of ISTR. Any grievances shall be referred to the Executive Committee and dealt with under an established grievance procedure.
Article 12. Parliamentary Authority
- The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the Society in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with this Constitution and any special rules of order the Society may adopt.