Performance Philosophy Working Group – Call For Questions ISTR 2015

The Performance Philosophy Working Group of ISTR will hold its first meeting of 2015 at the ISTR conference in the Institute for Technology, Tralee (22-23 May 2015) with the aim of developing a series of productive questions that “triangulate” between Performance ʻas a site of cultural tradition, transition and transformationʼ, Philosophy and Politics/Identity. Please see below the “Call for Questions” for this meeting. All are welcome, including those who have not previously attended a session of the working group, but please do contact the convenors ( and if you plan either to submit a question/abstract or to attend the meeting as an observer/listener.


Call for Questions

Where is the meeting place between performance and philosophy? Could we argue that it is to be found in Politics, or maybe in Identity or in the / between the two, as it is visually represented in the “triangulation” above? These questions will be the starting point for our discussion during our meeting in Tralee: we hope that the discussion held in the working group will enrich the philosophical debate of the conference as a whole.

Please note that the present Call For Questions is open to academics, to artists, and to postgraduate students. Questions can be at any stage of development. Some possible examples include, but are not limited to:

  • A short description of a performance exploring some of the issues at stake in the proposed “triangulation” above;
  • A 500 – 1,000 word abstract exploring a tangible object of analysis or example that may illustrate such a triangulation: i.e. a performance, theatre piece, or other political, cultural, or social event;
  • A 500 – 1,000 word abstract exploring a theoretical question that seems to be at stake in such a “triangulation”, for example an exploration of one of the terms or the relation between them.

The object of this working group meeting is to generate possibilities for future collaboration between theatre/performance scholars and practitioners. The sharing of ideas at a developmental stage is strongly encouraged and indeed welcomed.

Please email the organizers if you are interested in attending, and let us know if you previously attended any of the meetings of the WG at Galway, Birkbeck or Cork, and if you wish to remain on the mailing list of the WG. New entrants with interest in performance philosophy are encouraged to participate: simply contact the organizers and, if you wish, submit a question to this year’s meeting.

Organizers’ Contact Details:

Dr. Gabriella Calchi-Novati ( Dr. Nicholas Johnson (

