Tag: Irish Theatre Studies

Justice in the Plays and Films of Martin McDonagh by Eamonn Jordan

    This book interrogates the various manifestations of rival systems of justice in the plays and films of Martin McDonagh, in analysis informed by the critical writings of Michael J. Sandel, Steven Pinker, Julia Kristeva, and in particular Amartya Sen on violence, justice, equality and the law. …

Perforum: SPRING 2020

Department of Theatre, School of Music & Theatre, UCC in association with Theatre Development Centre/Corcadorca Theatre Company presents: Mindful Embodiment Practice and the Creative Process Venue: Theatre Development Centre, Triskel Christchurch, Tobin Street, Cork City.  Wed 12th February (6 – 7.45pm) Deborah Middleton Director of the Mindfulness and Performance Project …

The Palgrave Handbook of Contemporary Irish Theatre and Performance

Editors: Jordan, Eamonn, Weitz, Eric This Handbook offers a multiform sweep of theoretical, historical, practical and personal glimpses into a landscape roughly characterised as contemporary Irish theatre and performance. Bringing together a spectrum of voices and sensibilities in each of its four sections — Histories, Close-ups, Interfaces, and …