Performance as Event and Its Technologies of Representation
School of Drama , Film and Music, Trinity College Dublin | 23-24 April 2010
Thursday 22 APRIL 2010
3 – 5.30pm ISTR Conference Registration opens in Beckett Theatre Foyer, School of Drama, Trinity College
5.20pm Welcome Address, Samuel Beckett Theatre: Dr. Melissa Sihra.
5.30 – 5.45pm Address from Trinity College Provost, Dr. John Hegarty.
6 – 7.30pm Professor Andrew Gibson, University of London, Royal Holloway: “L’Innommable, En Attendant Godot, de Gaulle and the Fourth Republic 1946-49”. Chair: Professor S.E. Wilmer.
7.30 – 8.30pm Wine Reception Beckett Theatre Foyer.
Friday 23 APRIL 2010
8.30am – all day Registration opens in Beckett Foyer
9 – 10.30 / 11am: Working Groups.
Cultural Identities: (Professor Brian Singleton): Costume Room
Historiography: (Dr. Mark Phelan & Dr. Lionel Pilkington): Beckett Lecture Room
Performance Studies: (Dr. Lisa Fitzpatrick) Dance Studio
10.30 – 11am Coffee Break in Beckett Foyer
11 – 12.30pm Panel sessions:
Panel 1: Beckett LECTURE ROOM: ‘Intercultural Theatres’
Chair: Prof. Brian Singleton (TCD)
Sarah Jane Scaife: ‘The Grieving Body through the Prism of Beckett’s Act Without Words 11’.
Matthew Spangler (San José State University): ‘Performing Intercultural Hybridity: Alain Destandau’s Antigone Viet Nam at the Hue Festival in Vietnam’.
Seong-Kwang Cho (University of Warwick): ‘Shakespeare and Theatrical Innovation in South Korea’.
Panel 2: BECKETT THEATRE: ‘Samuel Beckett and Performance 1’
Chair: Dr. Nicholas Johnson (TCD)
Trish McTighe (QUB): ‘Noli me Tangere: Haptic Certitude in Samuel Beckett’s Nacht und Träume’.
Sozita Goudouna (University of London, Royal Holloway): ‘Mediated Breath’.
Michael Jaros (Salem State College): ‘Yeats’s Aura, Beckett’s Clouds: Inspiration, Memory and Failure on Television’.
Panel 3: DANCE STUDIO: ‘Dancing Bodies
Chair: Dr. Emilie Pine (UCD)
Aoife McGrath (TCD): ‘At the edge of the event?: the dance of “unfixed thoughts” in the work of Jean Butler and Colin Dunne’.
Holly Maples: (University of East Anglia): ‘Dancing the Body Politic: National Reimaginings and Collective Identity in Contemporary Irish and American Dance Theatre’.
Emma Meehan: (TCD): ‘Mobility and Somatic Experience: Flânerie in Maya Lila’.
Panel 4: MUSIC 5.33: ‘Gender, Performativity, Language: Wilde and Shaw’
Chair: Dr. Cathy Leeney (UCD)
Graham Price (UCD): ‘How Can I Speak of the “A” of Earnest?; Wilde’s Difference’.
Audrey McNamara (UCD): ‘Candida: A Shavian Oedipal Crisis’.
Aideen Kerr (TCD): ‘The Theatrical and Social Performances of Oscar Wilde as Evidenced in Popular Culture.’
Panel 5: MUSIC BOYDELL: ‘Tricksters, Nomads, Mysteries’:
Chair: Dr. Clare Wallace (Charles University)
Sharon Phelan (Tralee Institute of Technology): ‘Pat Ahern – Founder of Siamsa Tíre: A Nomadic Figure in a Theatrical Context’.
Ondřej Pilný (Charles University, Prague): ‘Performing Swift: Denis Johnston’.
Eric Weitz (TCD): ‘Deception Theory: Trickster and the Soul of Comedy’.
12.30 – 1.30pm Lunch in Buttery Restaurant, TCD Front Square: Vouchers provided.
1.30 – 3.00 Panel Sessions.
Panel 1: Beckett LECTURE ROOM: ‘Irish Theatre: Alternative Narratives’
Chair: Professor Shaun Richards (University of Staffordshire)
Paul Murphy (QUB): ‘Irish Theatre and the National Identity Game’
Christopher Collins (TCD): ‘Cries of Pagan Desperation: J.M. Synge’s Riders to the Sea and the Celtic Geist.’
Conor Plunkett (QUB): ‘Dublin Theatre’s First Truly Modernist Play? Sexuality and Masculinity in a Modern Nation – Mary Manning’s Youth’s the Season – ?’
Panel 2: BECKETT THEATRE: ‘Samuel Beckett and Performance 2’
Chair: Dr. Matthew Causey (TCD)
Laurence Cazeneuve (University of Lille): ‘Performance as Event in Beckett’s Plays’.
Julie Bates (TCD): ‘But Is It Still Theatre, Eh Joe?’
Anastasia Kiourtzoglou (UCD): ‘Les Madames D’Epidaurus’
Panel 3: DANCE STUDIO: ‘Dissensus and the Avant Garde’
Chair: Dr. Eric Weitz (TCD)
Christoph Scheurle (University of Hildesheim): ‘The Theatre of Rimini-Protokoll as Post-Epic Performances’.
Deirdre Mulrooney: ‘Who’s Afraid of Pina Bausch? Bausch’s Emancipated Spectator and Ensuing Documentation Challenges’.
S.E. Wilmer (TCD): ‘The Baltic Way as a Performative Act of Political Dissensus’.
Panel 4: MUSIC 5.33: ‘Director, Actor, Educator: Critical Reflections’
Chair: Dr. Cathy Leeney (UCD)
Áine Sheil (University of York): ‘The Opera Director’s Voice: DVD ‘extras’ and the question of authority’.
Mary Howard (St. Patrick’s College): ‘“Many Advices”: Drama in Education’s Techniques in Actor Training and the Building of Ensemble’.
Agnes Pallai (Sligo Institute of Technology): ‘Seven Stages to the Stage – The Student Actor and the Text’.
Panel 5: MUSIC BOYDELL: ‘Conflict, Violence and Performance’
Chair: Dr. Lisa Fitzpatrick (University of Ulster)
Sara Brady (TCD): ‘Simulating War, Seducing Recruits: A Visit to the Army Experience Center’.
William Higgins (TCD): ‘Obama, “Flashpoint” and Performance’.
Eva Urban (UCD): ‘From Derry to the Bahmiyan Valley: AH6905 – AH7808.’
3.00 – 3.30: Coffee Break: Beckett Foyer
3.30 – 5.00pm: Panel Sessions:
Panel 1: Beckett LECTURE ROOM: Contemporary Voices: ‘Marina Carr, Tom Kilroy, Tom Murphy’
Chair: Professor Anna McMullan (QUB)
Karen O’Brien (University of North Carolina): ‘The Image of Woman in Marina Carr’s Woman and Scarecrow and Marble’.
Shelley Troupe (NUIG): “Druid Goes to Jail”: Returned Emigrants, Irish Prisoners and Tom Murphy’s Conversations on a Homecoming.’
Monica Insinga (UCD): ‘Immortal Tales of Common Life: Thomas Kilroy’s adaptation of Six Characters in Search of an Author and Marina Carr’s Woman and Scarecrow.’
Panel 2: BECKETT THEATRE: ‘Representation, Theatricality, Performativity’
Chair: Prof. S.E. Wilmer (TCD)
Rayla Tadjimatova (UCD): ‘Theatricality/Metatheatricality and the Theatrical Event’.
Karen Quigley (King’s College London): ‘Towards an Ethics of the Unstageable’.
Réidín McSweeney (NCAD): ‘The Performative Index: The Role of the Audience in the Documentation of Performance Art in Ireland.’
Panel 3: DANCE STUDIO: ‘Dublin and Performance’
Chair: Dr. Eamonn Jordan (UCD)
James Hickson (TCD): ‘Staging ‘Dublin’: Gender and Urban (Dis)Location as Performative Event in Contemporary Irish Drama’.
Natalie Harrower (TCD): ‘The Place of Identity: Mapping Dublin/ers through Site-Specific Performance’.
Kate Harris (TCD): ‘Applications for Community-Based Drama’.
Panel 4: MUSIC 5.33: (New) Technologies
Chair: Dr. Matthew Causey
Adrian Curtin (Northwestern University): ‘Dial-Up Theatre: Recalling the Theatre Phone.’
Dan Bergin (TCD): ‘The Alternative Reality Game as Gesamtkunstwerk.’
Panel 5: MUSIC BOYDELL: ‘Performing History and the Past’
Chair: Professor Lionel Pilkington (NUIG)
Mark Phelan (QUB): “Fair Play”: Recreational Violence and Representation.’
Joan FitzPatrick Dean (University of Missouri-Kansas City): ‘Historical Pageantry at the Tóstal, 1953-56: Hayes-McCoy, Mac Liammóir and Johnston.’
Carolyn Oesterle & Victoria Tafferner (University of Freiburg): ‘From Atmospheres to Ecstasies: Performing the Past and Its Technologies of Corporeal Actualisation.’
5.15 – 6.30pm Keynote Address: Professor Marina Carr, Introduced and Q&A with Dr. Melissa Sihra. Samuel Beckett Theatre.
6.30 – 7.15pm: New Book Celebrations, Samuel Beckett Theatre
Professor Anthony Roche launching Brian Friel Special edition of Irish Theatre International and Eamonn Jordan’s Dissident Dramaturgies: Contemporary Irish Theatre (Irish Academic Press, Dublin & Portland Oregon).
Patrick Mason launching Professor Dennis Kennedy’s book: Dennis Kennedy & Yong Li Lan, (eds) Shakespeare in Asia, Cambridge University Press.
Dr Eamonn Jordan launching Dr. Lisa Fitzpatrick’s book Performing Violence in Contemporary Ireland (Carysfort Press, Dublin, 2009).
Dr. Melissa Sihra launching Dr. Rhona Trench’s book Bloody Living: The Loss of Selfhood in the Plays of Marina Carr (Peter Lang).
7.15pm Wine Reception, Beckett Foyer.
Saturday 24 April 2010
9 – 10.30am: Panel sessions:
Panel 1: Beckett LECTURE ROOM: ‘Anarchy and Experiment: Contemporary Irish Theatre’
Chair: Dr. Clare Wallace (Charles University)
Cormac O’Brien (UCD): ‘ “Virgin Fecking Gayboys”: Masculine Sexuality and Sacred Celibacy in Martin McDonagh’s The Lonesome West.’
Bernadette Sweeney (UCC) & Marie Kelly: ‘Anarchic and Strange: Only an Apple’.
Eamonn Jordan (UCD): ‘Theatricalising Irishness: Martin McDonagh’.
Panel 2: BECKETT THEATRE: ‘Performing Samuel Beckett 3’
Chair: Dr. Nicholas Johnson (TCD):
David Clare (UCD): ‘Is Samuel Beckett’s Radio Play The Old Tune Set in Ireland or England? ‘
Zita Reszler (TCD): ‘The Moral Dilemma of Action and Inaction in Samuel Beckett’s Murphy and István Őrkény’s The Toth Family.’
Fergus Whelan (UCD): ‘Radio as a Space for Liturgy in Beckett: A Reading of Cascando and Words and Music.’
10.30 – 11am: Coffee Break in Foyer of Beckett Theatre.
11 – 12.30pm Panel Sessions:
Panel 1: LECTURE ROOM: ‘Women and Irish Theatre: Politics and Performance’
Chair. Dr. Cathy Leeney (UCD)
Catherine Morris (UCD): ‘Alice Milligan and the Irish National Theatre’
Mary Caulfield (TCD): ‘The Woman with a Garden’: Constance Markievicz and the Performance of Nation.
Eileen Cooney (TCD): ‘Actress Turned Impresario: How the adversity experienced by Irish women actors brings about the impetus for creation through writing and production.’
Panel 2: BECKETT THEATRE: ‘Sexuality, Viscerality and Violence: Contemporary Irish Theatre’
Chair: Dr. Melissa Sihra (TCD)
Lisa Fitzpatrick (University of Ulster): ‘Performing Rape and Sexual Violence’.
Julie Shearer (TCD): ‘Voyage of No Return: Druid and DubbelJoint’.
Miriam Haughton (UCD): ‘The Performance of Power in Mark O’Rowe’s Terminus: The Violent Physicality of the Poetic Body.’
12.30 – 1.30pm LUNCH provided in Foyer of Beckett Theatre.
12.30 – 1.30pm AGM Beckett Theatre.
1.30 – 3pm: Panel Sessions:
Panel 1: LECTURE ROOM: ‘Queer Resistances, Political Strategies’
Chair: Professor Brian Singleton (TCD)
Niall Rea (QUB): ‘He is Handsome, He is Pretty, the Drag Queens of Belfast City: Fracturing the Ethnosectarian Discourse through the Performance of Gender Disidentification in Northern Ireland.’
Alyson Campbell (QUB): ‘From Bogeyman to Bison: theatre, HIV and forgetting’.
Fintan Walsh (TCD): ‘Rites and Rights: The Politics and Paradox of Queer Performance.’
Panel 2: BECKETT THEATRE: ‘Ireland and Beyond’
Chair: Professor Shaun Richards (University of Staffordshire)
Patrick Lonergan (NUIG): ‘Re-mediating War: Ireland and Iraq in Colin Teevan’s How Many Miles to Basra?’
Irina Ruppo Malone (NUIG): ‘The Abbey Theatre: Home to the Dublin Yiddish Renaissance’.
Maria Kurdi (University of Pecs): ‘Performances of Synge in Hungary After the mid-1980s’.
Panel 3: DANCE STUDIO: ‘Technology and Narrative Form’
Chair: Dr. Eric Weitz (TCD)
Kurt Taroff (QUB): ‘Scene From Within: Monodrama and Virtual Reality.’
Geraint D’Arcy (University of Glamorgan): ‘Technology Performing the Unrepresentable.’
Imanuel Schipper (Zurich): ‘Strategies of Staging Authenticity’.
3.00 – 3.30pm Coffee in Beckett Theatre Foyer.
3.30-4pm: Re-locate to Art Technology Research Laboratory (ATRL), TCD Pearse St. Campus with postgraduate team guides.
4.00–5.30pm: Keynote Lecture: Professor Elaine Aston, University of Lancaster: “Feminism, Theatre and Performance – Critical Futures”: Chair. Dr. Sara Brady, ATRL Theatre.
5.30-7pm: Abstract Machines: Staging the Televisual Beckett: Performance and Panel Discussion, ATRL Theatre:
Matthew Causey & Gabriella Calchi-Novati (TCD): ‘The Techno-Performativity of Beckett’s Televisual Subjects.’
Nicholas Johnson (TCD): ‘The Risk of the Live: Samuel Beckett and the Technology of Communication.’
Anna McMullan (QUB): ‘Unhomely Semblances: Beckett’s Late Television Drama’
7pm: New Scholar’s Prize Announcement and Closing Remarks: Dr. Melissa Sihra.
8pm: Conference Banquet, Ely Restaurant.